Ceramic Motives and Designs
Art that is particular to that nation carries its marks reflecting their power, strenght, artistic impressions and capabilities.
The more striking examples came from those civilizations that were the most advanced, sophisticated and economically powerful. Iznik pottery, created during the Ottoman Empire period, is such an example.
Hence the motives and designs used carry deep and meaningfull representations of their customs, beliefs and thoughts carrying them to the the future generations.
The most commonly used motives during the Ottoman Empire period reflect nature by the use of floral designs. The ‘Hatai’ group is such with the use of dagger leaves, spring blossoms and many flowers such as the tulip, the carnation, the rose, teh blue bells and many more. All carrying individual meanings used in a composition, which they mostly were, represent the ‘Garden of Eden’ or ‘Gardens of Paradise’.
Animal patterns on the other hand can be catagorized into two groups with the use of mythological beast as one and the second being animal known in nature which are allways stylized. The animal motives not being as common as flower designs during the Ottoman regime their importance were felt more in Central Asia and the miiatures produced during the Seljuk period.
The same applies to the origin of the cloud motives from China. As the meaning of the cloud changes from the rage caming out of the mouth of the dragon to the more realistic impression of its natural representation in the hands of the Turkish artisans.
Finally the pattern of Çintemani is one of symbolic imaginary patterns symbolizing power and wisdom.