Our Vision
With our production, management, service and sense quality, it is to be a leading company which is preferred and recommended, a company that puts ’tile’ ,our traditional culture heritage, on domestic and world markets.
Our Mission
Without compromising our sense of quality and by creating a public value with our shareholders (shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, financial institutions, and other organizations in the commercial relationship, competitors, government agencies, non-governmental organizations and society) it is to become a steadily-growing and stable company.
Quality Policy
Üretim, yönetim ve hizmet süreçlerimizde, memnuniyet odaklı çözümler geliştirmeyi kalite anlayışımızın temeli varsayıyoruz.
Within the processes of production, management and service, developing customer satisfaction-oriented solutions is the basis of our quality policy.
Management Policy
For partners, managers, and employees, to use common sense while making decisions for their management activities and operations constitutes the basis of the Management Policy.
Basic Principles
Integrity, honesty, hard work, entrepreneurship, innovation, flexibility, business ethics, and seriousness are our main principles.
Communication Policy
It is our basic communication policy and to develop empathy, to be unbiased, solution-oriented and participative towards our shareholders.
Relations with Our Company
Commitment and loyalty to our firm are our greatest assets, and we regard our job and colleagues as elements of this commitment.
Relations with Collegues
“If you please your workers, your customers win,
and if your customers are pleased, your company wins.”
1.When choosing our colleagues, we seek people who are confident, positive, ambitious, patient, open to development, and compliant with team mates, and we seek people who will contribute to reaching our aims, targets and strategies.
2. We try to create a business environment which promotes confidence and peace to everyone, an environment where there is no discrimination but encouragement, so you can always reach positive values in such an atmosphere.
3. With the philosophy “Diversity is richness”, we try to let different ideas expressed in a constructive style and comfortably, which in return help provide great contributions to the development of our company.
4. We are highly sensitive concerning the respect for the private lives of our colleagues, and we don’t show tolerance to any kind of disruptive interference.
5. We encourage our colleagues’ professional and personal development activities.
Relations with Customers
“If you please your workers, your customers win,
and if your customers are pleased, your company wins.”
1. We try to do our best to meet our customers ' wishes and expectations, and try to provide technical support for all kinds of information.
2. In accordance with our customers ' requests, and within the bounds of possibility, we place emphasis on facilitating product development activities.
3. We strive to give the best service to our customers through sales representatives.
4. It is of great importance to pay attention to any complaints and suggestions from our customers, and we take the necessary precautions as soon as possible.
5. We show great attention to conducting business relationships with our customers in which both sides win.
Relations with Suppliers
1. We expect our suppliers to provide us with products (goods, service) on the basis of our concept of quality and standard, and we perform the necessary controls.
2. Our basis of resource management is to establish future-oriented work system with our suppliers.
3. We show great attention to conducting business relationships with our suppliers in which both sides win.
Working Principles
1. All the activities and operations required by our business processes are carried out within the framework of the laws of the Republic of Turkey.
2. The staff are to give priority to the benefits of the company while taking decisions and carrying out operations. Also, they must avoid all actions and operations likely to damage the company.
3. The staff is not allowed to reveal the company's secrets or any kind of information related to it.
4. Concerning their relations with business owners, staff must comply with the principles of honesty, courtesy rules, speed, convenience and equality.
5. The staff is not allowed to run any other business without the permission of the company, or work in some other places.
6. The staff cannot borrow money from the ones (customer-vendor) in a business relation with the Company. They can neither stand surety for other companies or persons nor accept surety.
7. Without the consent of the administration, the staff is not permitted for any kind of release, interview, and speech related to the Company.
8. In the workplace, working hours, breaks, and work shifts are organized by the Company. The staff is required to comply with this work and changes.
9. All the personnel in the workplace are expected to dress up properly, be well-groomed, and be attentive to their behavior.
10. It is forbidden to smoke in the workplace. The staff is only allowed to smoke at certain sections in the breaks.
11. Being aware of the importance of social responsibilities, we place great emphasis on the personnel’s volunteering in social and civic activities.
12. It is the principle that the staff not accept visitors during working hours, but if necessary and urgent, finish the conversation within a reasonable period.
13. In terms of the effective use of time, not dealing with their personal affairs during hours is a basic principle that we expect the staff to comply with.
14. All the personnel are expected to avoid involving in any sort of behavior or action that might affect the reputation of the company negatively.
15. Our partners, our suppliers, our customers, our opponents and colleagues, and the people or institutions we are in contact with are all so special for the company.
16. Being aware of the rights and responsibilities that our participative management system has brought to us, all personnel are required to comply with the layout rules.
17. In our relationships in business and social life, we pay great attention to stay away from any talk or gossip about people or institutions, and act within the framework of respect and understanding.
18. It is mandatory that executives be informed immediately about any kind of error done within business operations and processes; it cannot be covered up or hidden. This is seen extremely important in accordance with business ethics.
19. Decisions are made using accurate and current data; and all of the results are analyzed and evaluated.
20. In case of any question or uncertainty which is not addressed or described in our "Business Approach", it is essential that all personnel consult the board of managers.
21. Concerning all business operations and processes, effective communication is seen as a great asset, so we act accordingly.
Social Responsibilities
We regard using our assets for investments to education, health, environment and culture as our main social responsibility, and we keep working together with non-governmental organizations for the benefit of society.